Why Small-Batch Roasted?


Should small-batch roasting be important to you? If you enjoy fresh coffee, it should be essential to you. Let me try to explain.

Just like all organic items, coffee has a life span. It has a time when it is ripe and ready to pick. It has a period of freshness once it is dried and waiting to be roasted (green coffee beans). It has a period of freshness once it has been roasted and has begun its off-gassing of CO2. If you want to have truly fresh coffee, we must account for these things, as well as the things that cause coffee not to be fresh anymore. Mainly oxygen and moisture. The burning question for me was always, yes, but how long do I have?!

An award-winning barista once told me the life of fresh coffee lives by a general rule of 15's. Green coffee beans will be good for about 15 months before beginning to lose all of those beautiful flavor notes if started with. Once you roast the coffee, it will be good for about 15 days before it has completed it's CO2 off-gassing of all those flavor notes. When you grind up the roasted coffee, the CO2 off-gassing rapidly increases, and it's only fresh for about 15 minutes.

Considering all of that information, if we roasted large quantities of coffee and gradually bagged it and shipped it as ordered. By the time we reached the bottom of the barrel, the coffee would no longer be fresh. Depending on orders, maybe the middle of the barrel! By roasting coffee in smaller batches, we ensure everyone has the same opportunity to get truly fresh coffee at home. Not just your local roaster. We also provide bags with a valve that allows the CO2 to escape and not allow oxygen in, and they are resealable!

Experiencing truly fresh coffee has been a real eye-opener for me. I knew the essential aspects of getting fresh coffee like how the coffee is grown and employing a roaster that knows what they are doing (not some newbie that's still burning the coffee). What I did not realize was how important it is to get that roasted coffee to your grinder in a timely manner. That is why small-batch roasting is essential.

All you have to do is try some, and I believe you will agree.

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