You Get What You Pay For
"You get what you pay for." A phrase most of us have heard before. I can't count how many times I went with a cheaper option, and immediately regretted it. The fascinating thing I have learned over the years, especially in most recent events, is that this applies to so many more areas than just physical goods.
Let's take therapy for an example. I am not sure when it was decided that seeing a therapist was a sign of weakness that people are embarrassed to admit to or will never see one because they are embarrassed, but it must stop. As a veteran, mental health is a topic near and dear to my heart. Having a good therapist help me navigate the muddy waters of PTSD has been a truly life-changing thing for me and many other veterans. I have also experienced a not so good therapist who did not help me at all. When that happened, it was clear I needed to stop seeing that one and seek a better therapist if anything was to improve.
Many of you are using social media as your cheap, not good at all therapists, and your stress levels and overall attitudes are not improving. You are bragging about how great you are at something or how much you hate something, or worse someone. You are reposting unverified information that spreads the hate and discontent. You post pictures of some terrible event, usually taken out of context, instead of images of your loved ones. All of this is making your stress levels and attitudes far worse. A lot of you might even consider switching to decaffeinated coffee :-).
Remember the telephone game as a kid? Consider how many times a message has changed once it gets to your neighbor or some other acquaintance of yours on social media. Please get your information from actual experts in the field you are seeking information. Go to the CDC website and follow their guidance and stop listening to all of the other noise. Politicians, Journalists, anyone else, not a subject matter expert who is currently working at the Center for DISEASE CONTROL.
Family game night!
Or, it may be time to seek an actual therapist, who has the training to listen to our issues and guide us through them to help achieve balance again. We should also start using social media the way it was originally designed to be used. You know, sharing photos of your kiddos so your friends and family can feel connected even though they are thousands of miles away.
Don't take my word as gospel though, because you get what you pay for.