The Unique Coffee of Ethiopia

The Amazing History and Flavor of Ethiopian Coffee

Did you know that Ethiopia is primarily thought of as the birthplace of coffee between the 6th and 8th centuries? One legend has it that an Ethiopian goat herder saw his herd flocking to consume the berries of the coffee plant, and then becoming visibly energized after consuming them. When he tried the beans himself, he too felt a surge of exuberance. Variations of this folk tale talk of learning how to roast and drink the beverage all on the same day, but whatever the truth is, we know that coffee beans are an essential part of Ethiopian culture. Statistically, they drink over half of the coffee they produce, 3.5 of the 6.5 million pounds per year stays home in their country for consumption.


“Coffee is our Bread”

The Ethiopian language is full of phrases that involve coffee, such as "Buna dabo naw,” meaning “Coffee is our bread.” If someone wants to express that they don't have any good friends, they might say, “I don't have anyone to have coffee with.” 

Those that hear this phrase understand that the person isn't griping over not having a coffee date, but rather that they are griping that they don't have someone close enough to “shoot the breeze.”  

But just as there are a large number of phrases that involve coffee in Ethiopian culture. There are just as many varieties of beans growing there. Of all the different types grown, however, coffee grown in the Yirgacheffe region is the most sought after.

The Exclusive Yirgacheffe  

Yirgacheffe coffee is grown at high elevation, like most high-quality beans. It also tends to be organic, regardless of what the labeling is, due to the near-perfect growing conditions there. Since coffee is native to Ethiopia, the soil, humidity, and elevation are all perfect, making the need for synthetic pesticides and fertilizer pointless.

In fact, many beans grown for the coffee are picked from wild coffee plants, making them about as green and ethical as you can get when choosing an environmentally friendly coffee.

World Trader Coffee’s Ethiopian Flavor Profile

Our Yirgacheffe coffee has a complex flavor with several unique traits to it. It has a notable brightness to it and is generally light to medium-bodied. The flavor can have many different notes to it, including:

· Fruity (we usually taste blueberries!)

· Nutty

· Chocolate

· Citrus

· Wine

In some coffees, it's even possible to detect a faint coconut flavor, making this one of the most unique and interesting coffees in the world!

Food pairings with World Trader’s Yirgacheffe 

If you like to indulge in a sweet treat while settling down with a warm cup of coffee, Yirgacheffe coffee is the right choice for you. Due to its many fruity and nutty flavors, Yirgacheffe coffee goes well with fruits, including pancakes and fruit salads, and also chocolate. Notably, it also makes a beautiful dessert coffee that will give you a gentle lift after a big meal. The citrus notes in the coffee also lend itself well to savory foods such as strong cheeses, if you feel adventurous with your coffee pairings.

All in all, Yirgacheffe Ethiopian coffee is a wonderful grind, and well worth adding to your collection. If you're interested in trying one of the best of the African grown beans, you can't go wrong with trying this elegant and delicious coffee. Now on sale, for you to try some for yourself!

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